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Recent publications:


  • Teodorescu, B., & Drăgan, N.-S. (2020). În căutarea Glonţului de Argint. Marketingul electoral în România. Bucureşti: Tritonic.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). Cultura comunicarii politice in Romania. O analiză funcțional-semiotică a dezbaterilor prezidențiale din România (2004-2014). Bucureşti: Pro Universitaria.

Edited books & special issues in academic journals

  • Drăgan, N.-S (Ed.). (2021). Differences, Similarities and Meanings. Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena. In Paul Cobley and Kalevi Kull (coord.), Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] Series. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (Guest Ed.) (2021/2022). Narrative, Cognition and Communication. Cybernetics and Human Knowing Journal, Special Issue (in print).
  • Olteanu, A., Stables, A., & Borțun, D. (eds.) (2019). Meanings & Co. The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality. In Dario Martinelli (Ed.), Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress series. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (Guest Ed.). (2018). Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities. Introductory Remarks.  Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations (RJCPR), Vol 20, No. 3(45): 7-9. WOSUID: WOS:000548322600001.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (Guest Ed.) (2016). Introduction. Semiosis in Communication: Knowing and Learning. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations (RJCPR),18(3): 7-9.

Academic articles


  • Teodorescu, B., & Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Faces of Fear in Political Discourse or How to Build the Image of the Political Enemy through Speech. In Drăgan, N.-S. (ed.), Narrative, Cognition and Communication, Special Issue of Cybernetics & Human Knowing (in print).
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Signs in Action: Old Heritage Crafts and New “Sense Keepers”. In María Teresa Dalmasso y Claudio Guerri (Coordinadores), Tomo 1, Trayectorias y teorías. Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of Semiotics, IASS/IAS, Tomo 1, (pp. 215-227).  Buenos Aires: IASS Publications & Libros de Crítica.
  • 2020

  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2020). The Emotional Arcs of Political Narratives. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies • Vol. 13(62) Special Issue, No. 1 – 2020, 1-18.
  • 2019

  • Borțun, D. (2019). Nu există patriotism fără dragoste pentru limba națională. România literară, 25 ianuarie 2019, 3-4: 18-19.
  • Borțun, D. (2019). Dumitru Bortun: Kde je Rumunsko po 30 rokoch? Medzi dvoma svetmi” [Dumitru Borţun: Unde se află acum ţara mea? Între două lumi], interviu acordat publicaţiei cehe TERAZ.SK, Nedela, 14 november 2019.
  • Borțun, D., Matu, G. (2019). National identity and anniversary events dedicated to the Great Union Centenary. In Carmen Croitoru and Anda Becuţ Marinescu (eds.), 2018 Cultural Consumption Barometer: Dynamics of the Cultural Sector in the Year of the Great Union Centenary. București: Editura Universitară.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2019). Positioning acts as semiotic practices in TV debates. In Evangelos Kourdis, Maria Papadopoulou, and Loukia Kostopoulou (Eds.), The Fugue of the Five Senses. Semiotics of the Shifting Sensorium: Selected Proceedings of the 11th International Conference organised of the Hellenic Semiotic Society (pp. 208-219). Publisher: The Hellenic Semiotics Society.
  • 2018

  • Borțun, D. (2018). Războiul informaţional ca război semiotic. GeoPolitica, revistă de Geografie Politică, Geopolitică şi Geostrategie (indexată Copernicus), 73(1): 99-102.
  • Borțun, D. (2018). La culture comme ensemble de représentations. L’exercice du pouvoir de certaines personnes sur d’autres par le management des representations”, în Formes discursives. Interactions, narrations, Representations, Interstudia, 24: 76-88. Bacău: Editura Alma Mater.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). Left/Right Polarity in Gestures and Politics. The Multimodal Behavior of Political Actors in TV Debates. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations (RJCPR), Vol 20, No. 3(45): 53-71.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). Gestures, Ideologies and Meaning in TV Debates: A Multimodal Approach. In Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, vol. 11 (60) No.2: 91-108. Series IV, Philology and Cultural Studies.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). A reading of the modern typology of types of misinformation/disinformation, or fake-news from the perspective of St. Augustine of Hippo. În Iulian Boldea, Dumitru Mircea-Buda și Cornel Sigmirean (Eds..), The Proceeding of the International Conference The Challenges of Communication, Contexts and Strategies in the World of Globalism - 5th Edition, Section: Communication, Education Sciences, Psychology and Sociology, CCI 05 (pp. 180-187). Târgu-Mureş: The Alpha Institute for Multicultural Studies.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). Pragmatic gestures in TV debate. A multimodal analysis of pragmatic gesture in TV debate for presidential elections in Romania, from November 2014. În Iulian Boldea, Dumitru Mircea-Buda și Cornel Sigmirean (Eds..), The Proceeding of the International Conference Globalization and National Identity. Studies on the Strategies of Intercultural Dialogue, Section: Communication, Journalism, Education Sciences, Psycology and Sociology, GIDNI5 (pp. 371-382). Târgu-Mureş: “Arhipelag XXI” Press.
  • Drăgan, N.-S., & Corduneanu, I. (2018). Replica and Invention: A new lecture of modes of sign production regarding the Romanian traditional blouse, IA. In Dario Martinelli (Ed.), CROSS-INTER-MULTI-TRANS-. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of Semiotics, IASS Publications & International Semiotics Institute 2018 (pp. 339-347).
  • 2017

  • Borțun, D. (2017). O breşă serioasă în rezistenţa la modernizare a societăţii româneşti. Observator cultural, nr. 874 (515), 1-7 iunie 2017.
  • Borțun, D., & Matei, C.S. (2017). Aspects of communication in medical life. Doctor-patient communication: differentiation and customization. Journal of Medicine and Life,January-March 2017, 10(1): 60-65.
  • Borțun, D., & Matei, C., S. (2017). Comprehension, Otherness and the Third Culture. In Cogito. Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. IX, no. 2/June, 2017, 43-55.
  • Borțun, D., & Crișan, C. (2017). Digital Storytelling and Employer Branding. An Exploratory Connection Management Dynamics. The Knowledge Economy, 5(2): 273-287.
  • Borțun, D. (2017). L’esprit utopique comme dimension de l’homme complet. Plaidoirie pour une transcendance profane”, in Interstudia – Revue du Centre Interdisciplinaire d’étude des formes discursives contemporaines Interstud, 22: 94-110. Bacău: Alma Mater Publishing House.
  • Borțun, D. (2017). Brexit, Trump, Erdogan, Orban, Le Pen etc. Concluzii cu privire la mersul isoriei”, în Analele Universităţii „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, Fascicula XXIV, lexic comun / lexic specializat, Anul VI, nr. 1-2 (9-10): 307-315. Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi.
  • Borțun, D., & Matu, G. (2017). Identitatea naţională şi evenimentele commemorative dedicate Centenarului Marii Uniri. Barometrul de consum cultural 2017, editat de Institutul Naţional pentru Cercetare şi Formare Culturală, pp. 21-65. Bucureşti: Editura Universitară.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2017). A semio-functional analysis of TV debates for presidential elections in Romania, from November 2014, December 2009 and December 2004. INTERSTUDIA, Review of Interstud Interdisciplinary Centre for Studies of Contemporary Discursive Forms, Issue 21: 108-119. Bacău, România: Alma Mater Publishing House.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2017). From Alberti’s window to today’s interface. A semiotic reading of the seeing metaphor in the political discourse. In New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics (ed. Kristian Bankov), IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House.
  • 2016

  • Drăgan, N.,-S., & Corduneanu, I. (2016). Semiotics of White Spaces on the Romanian Traditional Blouse, the IA. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations (RJCPR), Vol 18, No 3, 49-63.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2016). Strategic positioning of social actors in the semiotic act of TV debate. In Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, vol. 9 (58) no.2: 37-48. Series IV, Philology and Cultural Studies.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2016). Presidential Elections in Romania (November 2014). A Semio-Functional Analysis. Cultures de la Communication / Cultures of communication, Journal of the Communication and Public Relations Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Issue No. 1, 33-43. București: Editura Universității București.



  • Borțun, D. (2021). Ethos-ul creștin ca fundament al educației. In George Colang (coord.), Deontologie academică și etică aplicată (pp. 490-509). București: Eikon.
  • Drăgan, N.-S (Ed.). (2021). Introduction. In Nicolae-Sorin Drăgan (ed.), Differences, Similarities and Meanings. Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena (pp. 1-10). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Drăgan, N.-S (Ed.). (2021). The dynamic aspect of the semiotic behavior of political actors in TV debates. In Nicolae-Sorin Drăgan (ed.), Differences, Similarities and Meanings. Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena (pp. 203-226). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Contenido emocional de un Discurso Político: Un Enfoque Multimodal [The Emotional Content of a Political Discourse: A Multimodal Approach]. In Ernesto de los Santos Domínguez, Lariza Elvira Aguilera Ramírez, María Eugenia Flores Treviño, Julieta Haidar, & Clara Eugenia Rojas Blanco (eds.), Enfoques alternativos en los estudios del discurso [Alternative approaches to discourse studies](pp. 60-76). Mexico City: ALED volume (Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso). Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León.
  • p>Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Political Narratives, Emotions, & Multimodality: For an Open Social Semiotics. In Amir Bigali (ed.), Open Semiotics (in print). Paris: Hachette.
  • Teodorescu, B., & Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Faces of Fear in Political Discourse or How to Build the Image of the Political Enemy through Speech. In Drăgan, N.-S. (ed.), Narrative, Cognition and Communication, Special Issue of Cybernetics & Human Knowing (in print).
  • Popescu, C. (2021). Architecture and painting codes in the Annunciation. Oltenia (XVIIIth–XIXth centuries). In Nicolae-Sorin Drăgan (ed.), Differences, Similarities and Meanings. Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena (pp. 289-303). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • 2020

  • Borțun, D. (2020). Ce este gândirea critică? Cum se poate încuraja dispoziția de a o folosi? Semnele timpului, 2: 4-11.
  • Borțun, D. (2020). România, între realitate și proiect. TIMPUL, 30 septembrie 2020.
  • Borțun, D. (2020). Mecanismele urii online: cum funcționează, cum le oprim, interviu acordat Simonei Calancea. Pagina de psihologie, 19 octombrie 2020
  • Borțun, D. (2020). Dacă autenticitate nu e, nimic nu e. In Patricia Runcan (ed.), Copilărie și parentalitate cu impact (pp. 131-167). Timișoara: Editura de Vest.
  • Borțun, D. (2020). Nu există patriotism fără dragoste pentru limba națională. In Liviu Capșa, Macondo de România (pp. 230-238). Iași: Junimea.
  • 2019

  • Borțun, D. (2019). Introduction: The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality. In Alin Olteanu, Andrew Stables and Dumitru Borțun (Eds.), Meanings & Co. The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality, Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progressseries (pp. 1-3). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. DOI:
  • Borțun, D. (2019). The Game of Reflection and the Power Over People. A Semiotic Approach to Communication. In Alin Olteanu, Andrew Stables and Dumitru Borțun (Eds.), Meanings & Co. The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality, Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progressseries (pp. 71-86). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. DOI:
  • Borțun, D. (2019). Interviu cu Dumitru Borţun. In Emanuel Copilaș, Generația anului 2000. Cultură și subculturi ale tineretului în România socialistă. Studiu de caz: Timișoara (pp. 279-292).București: Tritonic.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2019). A semiotic approach to the dynamics of positioning and position concepts. In Evripides Zantides (ed.), Semiotics and Visual Communication III: Cultures of Branding (pp. 23-41). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2019). Semiotic Practices in TV Debates. In Alin Olteanu, Andrew Stables and Dumitru Borțun (Eds.), Meanings & Co. The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality, Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progressseries (pp. 193-211). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. DOI:
  • 2018

  • Borțun, D. (2018). Prefaţă. In Adrian Ţiglea, Cultură şi mentalităţi în epoca Marii Uniri. O perspectivă asupra modernităţii româneşti (pp. 5-23). Buzău: Editgraph.
  • 2017

  • Borțun, D., & Cheregi, B.F. (2017). Ideological meaning in the 2017 Romanian Protests. Discourses and Counter-Discourses. In Ana Adi and Darren Lilleker (eds.), The report Romania’s 2017 anti-corruption protests: causes, development and implications (pp.18-23), Berlin, Quadriga University of Applied Sciences., last updated on July 20, 2017.
  • Borțun, D., & Crișan, C. (2017). Exploring the Potential of Digital Stories as Tools for Advocacy. In Mark Dunford and Tricia Jenkins (Eds.), Digital Storytelling. Form and Content (pp. 155-165). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2017). From Narcissus to the Pygmalion Effect in Political Debates: A Semio-Functional Analysis of the Romanian Presidential Debates of 2014. In Evripides Zantides (ed.), Semiotics and Visual Communication II: Culture of Seduction, 108-125. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2017). From Alberti’s window to today’s interface. A semiotic reading of the seeing metaphor in the political discourse. In Kristian Bankov(ed.), New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics (pp. 530-538), IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House.
  • 2016

  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2016). De la comunități virtuale la șezători digitale. In Cristina Cîrtiță-Buzoianu, Elena Nechita (Eds.), Incluziunea socială în era digitală [Social Inclusion in Digital Age] (pp. 37-48). Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă.

Conferences & congresses


  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). The New Vincent: AI Style Transfer & Meanings. Early Fall School of Semiotics, Translation and Transformation in Audiovisual and Digital Culture, EFSS’ 2021 (XXV edition), Sozopol, Bulgaria.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Narrativity, Emotions & Gestures: A Multimodal Approach to the Emotional Content of Political Narratives. 10th International Conference on Multimodality. Multimodality for Transformation, Valparaíso, Chile, Virtual conference.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Why Do We Love (Certain) Stories? A Semiotic Interpretation of the Distribution of Emotional Arcs of Stories. Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change (3rd edition), Bucharest (RO), Virtual conference.
  • Teodorescu, B, & Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Faces of Fear in Political Discourse or How to Build the Image of the Political Enemy through Speech. Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change (3rd edition), Bucharest (RO), Virtual conference.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Narrative Identity, Emotions & Gestures: A Multimodal Approach to the Emotional Content of Political Narratives. Discursive Forms. Memory and Identity, Bacău, (RO), Virtual conference.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). Communicating crisis: Political communication in the age of uncertainty. ECREA Political Communication Section Conference, Bucharest (RO), Virtual conference.
  • 2020

  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2021). The Emotional Arcs of Political Narratives. 6th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: Structure, Use, and Meaning, Transilvania University of Brașov, Brașov (RO), Virtual conference.
  • 2019

  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2019). Signs in Action: Old Heritage Crafts and New “Sense Keepers”. 14th World Congress of Semiotics of the International Association of Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS). Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2019). Looking for  New “Sense Keepers” in the Network Society (keynote lecture). International Conference Communication in Action: From Theory to Practice and Back (2nd edition), Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași, Romania.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2019). A multimodal perspective on the transmission of cultural traditions in the digital age. International Conference Communication in Action: From Theory to Practice and Back (2nd edition), Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași, Romania.
  • 2018

  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). From Debate to Dialogue. The Dynamic Aspect of The Semiotic Behavior of Political Actors in TV Debates. International Congress of Anthropology, Literature and Semiotics, JALyS 2018. Mexico City, Mexic.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2017). A semiotic approach to the dynamics of positioning and position concepts. International Conference & Exhibition on Semiotics and Visual Communication (3rd edition). Lemesos, Cyprus.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). Gestures, Ideologies and Meaning in TV Debates: A Multimodal Approach. Structure, Use and Meaning (SUM): Language Policies and Practices in Institutional Settings (5th edition), Transilvania University of Brașov, Braşov (RO).
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2018). Left/Right Polarity in Gestures and Politics. The Multimodal Behavior of Political Actors in TV Debates. Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities (2nd edition). SNSPA, Bucureşti (RO).
  • 2017

  • Borțun, D. & Cheregi, B. (2017). Structures of signification in 2017 Romanian protests: two perspectives on reality expressed in discursive formulas. World Congress of Semiotics (13th edition). International Semiotics Institute, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. & Corduneanu, I. (2017). Replica and Invention: A new lecture of modes of sign production regarding the Romanian Traditional Blouse, IA. World Congress of Semiotics (13th edition). International Semiotics Institute, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
  • Drăgan, N.-S. (2017). A semio-functional analysis of TV debates for presidential elections in Romania, from November 2014, December 2009 and December 2004. Discursive Forms. Dream and Reality, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Bacău (RO).
  • 2016

  • Borțun, D. (2016). Semiotic Approach of Communication. The Secondary Game and the Secret of Power on People. International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Knowing and Learning. Bucharest, Romania.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2016). Positioning acts as semiotic practices in TV debates. The XI International Conference on Semiotics, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2016). Semiotic Practices in TV Debates. Between Role and Positioning - The continuous and the discreet aspect of communication. Internationl Conference Semiosis in Communication: Knowing and Learning. Bucharest, Romania.
  • Drăgan, N.,-S. (2016). Positioning as semiotic practice of social actors in TV Debates. 3nd International Congress on Numanities (ICoN 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania.