Cristina Leovaridis

Associate Professor, PhD
Cristina Leovaridis is a doctor in Sociology (University of Bucharest), graduate of Post-doctoral School in Economics (within National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu”, Romanian Academy). Associate professor, coordinator of Part-time Education Center, coordinator of Master in Advertising, at the College of Communication and Public Relations (CCPR), National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA) in Bucharest. Author of the books The advertising industry – an organizational approach (2007, 2008), which won the “Dimitrie Gusti” Romanian Academy Award, and New characteristics of life quality in the context of knowledge-based economy and competition at European level. Organizational and managerial aspects (2013). Co-editor of the books Trends and challenges in the learning economy (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016), Innovation and organizational learning (Tritonic, 2014). Co-author of the books in Romanian language: Social space of work towards the knowledge society (2011), New paradigms of innovation. Case Study – The Corporate University (2009), Small and medium enterprises and rural communities in sustainable development processes (2007), Institutional paradox. SMEs and sustainable development (2006), Human Resources Management (2003), Human Resource Management. Tests and case studies (2003). She has published over 50 articles and studies in books and scientific journals. She has participated as a researcher in several national and international research grants and projects in the fields of innovation, SMEs, employment, entrepreneurship, industrial relations and social dialogue, knowledge-based economy etc. Member of the NUPSPA Senate and CCPR Council. Research areas of interest: organizational sociology (knowledge-intensive organizations, working conditions, innovation, human resources, knowledge-driven economy, entrepreneurship), creative industries, consumer behaviour.
- Organizational culture
- Innovation in creative industries
- Management of advertising agency
- Practice