The first iteration of the Graduate Conference in Communication. Interdisciplinary Approaches hosted by FCRP - SNSPA (College of Communication and Public Relations, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration) in Bucharest invites MA, PhD, and post-doctoral students to share their research, including work in progress and parts of their theses. The conference, which will be held online via Cisco Webex due to the current pandemic, will provide a venue for discussing and reflecting upon the research efforts that graduate students in social science are currently engaged in.

A primary goal of this conference is to provide a stimulating and supportive interdisciplinary environment for discussing current research and planning future projects. The secondary goal is to encourage sharing and to examine ideas among young researchers, as well as to discuss methodologies, research topics, questions and applications, with a consistent emphasis on their potential and limitations as inquiry tools for improving one’s scientific work.

The conference will facilitate networking between master, doctoral and post-doctoral students by offering the opportunity to exchange and expand ideas about academic work with their peers, and with experienced researchers. Despite social distancing, getting to know each other remains an essential tool for improving complementary research topics and views about society.

Papers prepared for this conference should preferably try to address current issues in areas such as: communication mediated by technology; intergenerational communication; organizational communication and collaboration; social media; visual communication; health communication; communication and ageing; and applied communication.

The conference also welcomes contributions from other areas of research in communication, media studies, sociology, political and administrative sciences, and management.