Lecturer, PhD

[email protected]

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Sebastian Fitzek is a PhD lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, SNSPA. In December 2010, he earned his PhD in Sociology from the West University of Timișoara. In October 2015, he completed his postdoctoral studies under the Pluri and Interdisciplinarity Programme, a project organized by the Romanian Academy. As of October 2022, Sebastian joined the Health Services Research Group, focusing on Medical Images Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (MIAAI) at the Danube Private University (DPU) in Austria. Over the years, Sebastian Fitzek has been a member of various international projects and has authored numerous articles and books spanning the fields of health services research (HSR), artificial intelligence, data science (expert in Big Data, python, R, and data analytics), communication, public relations, political science, anthropology, and social work.

