Lecturer, PhD

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Carmen Novac has a PhD in sociology and a PhD in engineering the composite materials for aviation. She is also university lecturer at Faculty of Communication and Public Relations of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest. She is the author of The influence of globalization on Human Resource Management (2011), published by Printech, and „Staff management - between necessity and reality. Practical Guide” (2013) published in the collection Smart Books at Triton Publishing House. She participated as key expert in national and international projects, among which: Tools and analyzing and forecasting techniques for human resources developped for the Regional Policies Directorate within the Ministry of European Integration (2005); Preparation of the job descriptions for Social Observatory (drafting the recruitment handbook needed for the positions within the Social Observatory (2008); Developing the entrepreneurial competences through transnational transfer of best practices and training of the entrepreneurs in Romania - STEPS (2011-2013); Training for medical staff and healthcare managers by implementing new technologies and updating the knowledgement of the healthcare economy (2012-2013); EHR - Human Resources Entrepreneurship (2012-2013). She realized a training course for entrepreneurs trainers, in London in 2011, within the project Developing the entrepreneurial competences through transnational transfer of best practices and training of entrepreneurs in Romania - STEPS. She has a particular interest for research in the area of professional performance evaluations. As researcher and expert she also focussed on other fields of interes such as personnel management, team project management, staff motivation, innovative teaching methods (mapping technique).

